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Full name

General description:

As one of the Universities in Germany awarded the status of "Excellence University", RWTH Aachen University, established in 1870, is a leading technical university in Germany and Europe with over 40,000 students and more than 500 professors. RWTH participates in ASSET with the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) and Human Technology Centre at the RWTH Aachen through its Managing Director and the leader of the research group "Gender and Diversity in Engineering" at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

RWTH also have strong collaboration, originated in FP7 and H2020 projects, with industrial partners, with which RWTH has produced educational material in form of one MOOC (currently in development, on cybersecurity from H2020 projects RESERVE and SUCCESS) and some books intended for the broader technical audience. RWTH also routinely offers courses for industry and continuous education for students, organized, managed and marketed by the RWTH International Academy.

Role in the project

RWTH will be responsible for the organization and development of learning material in its areas of expertise, for the coordination of the activities related to the courses and MOOCs in the area of Smart and Flexible energy systems,
responsibility in research and innovation and gender and diversity inclusion. RWTH will contribute to the identification of learning needs, the application of the ASSET method and tools to its learning material and the delivery of such learning material. RWTH will integrate other learning materials developed in the consortium in its own offer as fit. RWTH will contribute to the exchange between industry and academia by supporting the use of the ASSET tool for matching offer and demand of internships to inform and collect the input of industrial supporting
entities. RWTH will disseminate the ASSET concepts and materials in its network of EU and non-EU academic institutions, actively encouraging their adoption. RWTH will lead to WP3 Energy transition programs preparation.