On November 18th of 2019, took place the first roadshow in Milan (Italy), part of the 3 events which will be organized respectively in Italy (Milan), Spain (Madrid) and Belgium (Brussels), by the consortium's local partners, as stages of a sole ideal path.
Ènostra, together with Logical Soft and the University of Naples Federico II and in collaboration with the Energy Department of the Politecnico of Milan, has organized a workshop entitled "Energy transition knowhow: map your needs, track your route, empower yourself".
The aim of this first event was to involve key representatives of the main stakeholder groups (companies, policy makers, universities and training actors, associations), to exchange views and collect feedback on the way forward to prepare the ASSET services and e-learining contents.
The agenda of the event included:
- Welcome and opening
- Keynote speech
- ASSET Project presentation
- Parallel session 1 - Market role & policy rules for a top-down approach to energy transition
- Parallel session 2 - The empowerment of energy citizens for a bottom-up energy transition
- Panel presentation of the outcomes from the parallel sessions
- Open debate and outlining of policy recommendations
- Closing remarks
However, a more detailed report with the main outcomes and recommendations and more photos will be made available after the event: don't miss the next ASSET newsletter! Stay tuned for more news!