Roadshow #2 in Spain

Last 20th of February, the ASSET Roadshow #2 took place in Madrid as part of the activities of the ASSET project.

A key tool of the ASSET engagement strategy is the organization of three events in Italy (Milan), Spain (Madrid) and Belgium (Brussels), by the consortium's local partners, as stages of a sole ideal path.

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The event was organized by Atos with the collaboration of Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 

The aim of this second event was to involve key representatives of the main stakeholders groups (companies, policymakers, universities and training actors), to exchange views, facilitate a dialogue and listen the parties involved on how to approach the different aspects of the energy transition in Spain and the European Union, and also identify the training needs that will be needed in the future.

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An example of companies that were registered and attended the event were: Siemens Gamesa, Fundación Repsol,, Applus, Virtual Ware Group, Rioglass, Aditum, Aeioluz, Grup Imedes. And also Universities such as Universidad de Comillas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 

The event intended to raise awareness of the added-value of engaging with the ASSET Community and to put the bases for the future sustainability of the project. 

The final part of the event included co-creation sessions where all participants shared their opinions and vision regarding different topics related to the Energy Transition.

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The event survey and the final agenda are available in the links below. More details and photos will be available in the next project Newsletter, Join our community!